On my better days

On my better days
Super Woman!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Weekend Wipeout

So it's Saturday morning and I have been perfect with my diet ALL week. Can today be a "cheat" day?

Well, i have read that you can and in some cases should have a cheat day- one where you exceed your normal daily caloric needs to confuse your metabolism and it allows you to indulge some of your food fantasies. But is this REALLY a good idea??

I have personally allowed the cheat day become a cheat weekend and over a 2 day period gained back ALL the weight lost over the week and then even add a few pounds. Over the last several months it is the reason that I have gained 16 lbs. Clearly this is NOT a good plan for me. However I think that if I learn to allow myself ONE cheat item or ONE cheat MEAL then things can balance out. It comes down to the mind set once again... I can't allow myself to believe that simply because it's Saturday that I can have ice cream, the amazing (and cheesless) burritos at 10th Ave Burrito in Belmar, NJ  (and they are incredible), then have severl cocktails, THEN have dinner and THEN have a late slice of pizza. NO. NO. NO. NO!!!!

Self control. Moderation.

The weekend is not the time to derail all of your efforts. Even if you're dilligent about your workout schedule, your diet can wipeout the best efforts and let's face it, if you're doing a beachbody workout, you're working hard. So don't waste the effort. Allow yourself a small indulgence from time to time but don't completely lose control.
Enjoy the weekend!


  1. Thats so true. Its a slippery slope and I often find that my cheat meal turns into cheat dessert and cheat day, cheat weekend and I think to myself "why, you worked so hard all week". Thanks for this great post!

  2. Hi Linda.

    I always find that I do best when I stick to a very strict diet. For me, one cheat leads to two, leads to 3.

    But, I envy the people who can have one piece of pizza and stop.


  3. Getting off the path of good eating makes it tough to get back on. Although I stick to good eating habits, I do find myself wanting a good tasty bite once in a while. My true weakness...red wine.

    I have been better about making it a weekend only treat, but since it's my only vice, I admit I indulge (just a little) during the week. The problem is I know it creates an issue with maintaining the weight for me.

    Darn...being over 40 sure makes it tougher!
