On my better days

On my better days
Super Woman!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Small Changes

Now that I have re-implemented my 1 day cheat rule, I have lost 8 pounds! Really! It's really amazing how small changes can affect your progress. Sometimes people will say that they aren't getting results fast enough or at all and I have to wonder why that is. Is it that they aren't REALLY following their diet or they aren't really working out to their maximum intensity. Maybe they are over training and losing muscle.  Could you be using a heavier weight? Could you jump a little higher? Do you really need to do Insanity and a HIIT workout in the same day? Maybe the itty bitty smidgen of cake or the bagel at the office on Friday - was it one smidgen or 4? Hmnn.

I am NOT saying that results aren't slower for some people even when they are doing the right things. Results vary and some people simply have it harder than others. What I am saying is that often times, you need to take a harder look at what you're eating and how your exercising and you'll probably find the answer.

Making a lifestyle change requires small changes, and constant tweaks along the way. Finding the right balance for YOU is the most important thing. You can't live by another person's rules nor will what worked for one person necessarily work for you. But as long as your honest with yourself about the effort that you putting in and repeatedly checking in on what you're doing, I'll bet that you'll find the reason why your progress has slowed or even stopped.

The trick is to not let it discourage you. Work through the plateau. Make small changes. Re-evaluate your diet. Decrease or increase your calories. Add resistance back if you've been the cardio queen. Add some cardio if you've been doing nothing but lifting. Change your workout if you've been doing the same one for months. Try to mix things up a little and you'll start to see results again!


  1. Great post and so true. I know for me my weakness it mindless eating and at times I know that I'm eating things that I don't have to. It's a small amount but they sure do add up.

  2. Good for you!! Thanks for posting these encouraging thoughts!

  3. I've been considering a Cheat Day. I might work this into my last 30 days of P90X.
