On my better days

On my better days
Super Woman!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Getting the most out of your workout - no matter how long you've been doing it

My last entry was about getting out of your comfort zone and doing the workouts that are harder than others. Today I'm talking about getting TOO comfortable with a workout to the point where you don't reap the benefits.

After doing a workout for awhile, all of us have a tendency to kind of go through the motions a little bit. Not increase the weight when we should or we don't drop down quite as low as we could simply because we’re in a rush or maybe we just take the workout for granted. For example, I have very strong legs. Some have called me freakishly strong. That's kind of nice (is it?). Having strong legs makes most lower body exercises easier for me. So yesterday as I was thinking about my last blog while working on Legs and Back, I came to the realization that I was getting a little lazy with this workout. I had been using the same weights for the calf raises for - ever. I wasn't getting as low as I could have in the toe role iso. So, yesterday for the first time in a long time, I really brought it. I went low. I added weight. I really did my best and FELT it as I was working out. I was sweating, breathing heavy- you know; working out!! For the first in awhile, I am SORE today and I love it!!

So- no matter how long you have done the same workout, there is always an opportunity to make it harder. Jump higher. Add weight. Go lower. Do more reps. Make the time you spend working out worth your time! It's isn't enough to just put the DVD in or go to the gym- you have to push yourself a little harder to get the results you want. If you don't, then you are cheating yourself and cheaters never win....

Now go push play and really and truly BRING IT!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Suffering out of my comfort zone (wah wah wah)

Well I have returned from Chicagoland and I gained weight- only 3 lbs but weight gain never the less. It's OK because I plan to do a 3 day Shakeology cleanse and today I am back to the P90X/TBF/Insanity mash up after a week of rest.

While I love P90X, I HATE the Chest, Shoulders and Triceps workout. Hate it. I thought that I would be OK with the push ups after Core Synergistics and Insanity but not so much. UGH. It's just one of those things. I have to do it because if you only do the workouts that you like - specifically when it comes to resistance, you'll miss the benefits of the muscle confusion AND if you only work on your strengths, you're missing out on gaining a better physique and overall fitness. Believe me- if I could, I'd do legs and back everyday but that would be pretty silly (and I'd probably look pretty funny too!!). And let's face it; the reason that I don't like the workout is because it isn't in my comfort zone -BUT one has to get out of their comfort zone to make progress.
I'll be the first to tell people that they should do a workout that they like so they'll stick with it and it won't be painful- but if you want to change your body you'll have to trudge through some workouts that aren't as much fun as others. While push ups and pull ups may never be as easy as working out my legs or doing cardio, they are critical to my overall physical conditioning and if I keep at it, I will improve and I will get better and better. In fact, I couldn't do more than 5 "guy" push ups when I started. Now I can do 35 elevated push ups. Clearly, I have improved, gained muscle and improved my overall fitness.

So whether you are working on a Beachbody workout or if you are doing your own thing, DO NOT skip entire body parts because they are hard!! Just do your best, forget the rest and remember to really and truly BRING IT!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Small Changes

Now that I have re-implemented my 1 day cheat rule, I have lost 8 pounds! Really! It's really amazing how small changes can affect your progress. Sometimes people will say that they aren't getting results fast enough or at all and I have to wonder why that is. Is it that they aren't REALLY following their diet or they aren't really working out to their maximum intensity. Maybe they are over training and losing muscle.  Could you be using a heavier weight? Could you jump a little higher? Do you really need to do Insanity and a HIIT workout in the same day? Maybe the itty bitty smidgen of cake or the bagel at the office on Friday - was it one smidgen or 4? Hmnn.

I am NOT saying that results aren't slower for some people even when they are doing the right things. Results vary and some people simply have it harder than others. What I am saying is that often times, you need to take a harder look at what you're eating and how your exercising and you'll probably find the answer.

Making a lifestyle change requires small changes, and constant tweaks along the way. Finding the right balance for YOU is the most important thing. You can't live by another person's rules nor will what worked for one person necessarily work for you. But as long as your honest with yourself about the effort that you putting in and repeatedly checking in on what you're doing, I'll bet that you'll find the reason why your progress has slowed or even stopped.

The trick is to not let it discourage you. Work through the plateau. Make small changes. Re-evaluate your diet. Decrease or increase your calories. Add resistance back if you've been the cardio queen. Add some cardio if you've been doing nothing but lifting. Change your workout if you've been doing the same one for months. Try to mix things up a little and you'll start to see results again!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Muffin Top - Belly Fat and Perimenopause

For years I worried about my butt. There was a time when I thought that I needed back up lights, but exercise and diet took care of it and the problems of my derriere were behind me (yuk yuk).

But now that I am over 40, a whole new problem has cropped up which is completely foreign to me: Belly fat. I am gaining inches in my middle despite my best diet and exercise efforts. How can this be??

Apparently, as women age their estrogen levels drop causing a weight redistribution from the lower body to the abdomen creating what WebMD calls the "menopot". Charming. A gain of 2-5 lbs is acceptable, but if your starting to pack on the pounds and/or your waist exceeds 35 inches, you could be dealing with a dangerous amount of belly fat.

The good news is that there is something you can do about it. It isn't a pill or doing 1000 crunches. It's as simple as diet and exercise. Eliminating starchy foods, fried foods, processed foods and salty foods and replacing them with food that doesn't come in a box. Whole foods. Fruits, vegetables, seafood, lean protein choices are the best choices for anyone trying to lose weight and especially for women in perimenopause.

In addition to proper diet, try to eat 3 smaller meals and 2 snack a day. You want to keep your energy levels up and to avoid afternoon lull. Avoid sugar. Period. Sugar will spike energy levels, increase insulin resistance and it will cause you to gain weight. A good way to lose a sugar tooth is to simply go cold turkey and within a few days, the cravings will end. Take it from someone who lived on Sweet tarts and Sour patch kids.

I also suggest that you try to avoid bagels, pizza, too much pasta and rice and anything "white". White bread. White potatoes. White rice.  I am NOT suggesting a no carb diet. I am suggesting that you get your carbohydrates from a more nutritious source like whole wheat,  brown rice and yams.

Lastly - but not least important is exercise. For many women, they steer away from resistance training when they should embrace it. At any age, resistance training helps to build strong muscles, which in turn helps you to burn more calories while at rest. For women over 40 who are heading towards menopause, we need the bone strengthening benefits resistance training can provide. It helps to keep your lean body mass up, improve bone density and helps to get you toned and lean and keep you that way. You'll also burn more calories during your cardio workouts when you have more muscle!

So, while sometimes it isn't so "wonderful to be a woman" there steps that one can take to help negate the effects of aging and make yourself feel better and become healthier. Even if you think that you can't control nature, you can absolutely control your diet and exercise habits and give nature a run for its money!

Resources: http://www.webmd.com/menopause/features/oh-do-you-know-the-muffin-top
Suggestions: Chalene Extreme, P90X, Turbo Fire, Slim Series, Yoga Booty Ballet, Hip Hop Abs

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Turbo Fire - It's like going out dancing with your friends!

How would you like to workout to "Play that Funky Music" or "Bring on the Funk"? Dance like Tina Turner to "Proud Mary"? Feel like you're at a club with your girlfriends to dance off your behind but ACTUALLY accomplish it?? If any of this sounds good to you, then Turbo Fire is for you.

This is hands down the most fun I have every had working out. I sing along to the music. I applaud the workouts. I LOOK FORWARD to working out. While all to often people have to psych themselves up to workout, this one will leave you wanting more.

The total program consists of 12 classes on 10 DVD's. There are 2 stretch classes (10 minutes and 40 minutes), 2 sculpting and toning DVD's, a core workout and 7 cardio workouts - 3 HIIT (high intensity interval) and 4 cardio with  intervals called "fire drills". Fire drills are ~1 minute anerobic drills to improve your cardio vascular perfomance and to increase fat burning. There are also 5 advanced DVD's (if you purchase them). The program is 16 weeks or can be extended to 20 weeks with the advanced DVD's.

A schedule is designed for you along with nutrition guides, fitness guide that explains the benefits of HIIT training and even includes a schedule to combine Turbo Fire with Chalene Johnson's other excellent program 'Chalene Extreme", which includes more resistance training than Turbo Fire if you need an addition challenge.

For some, this workout will be difficult but she has a "modifier" for each workout so you can take the high impact out until you're ready- or if you have specific issues that prevent you from doing high impact aerobics. Even if you can't, there is no reason to miss out on this fantastic workout. You can also ease into the program with a 9 week "prep schedule" to help you get ready for the full program. If you are new to fitness, this is the way to go.

With the package you'll receive resistance bands for your feet and for the upper an core work. Having done P90X and Insanity, I underestimated the Tone, Sculpt and Core workouts. No- they are not P90X but they are more than acceptable to get a good burn and you'll definitely feel it! Lots of triceps work!

Having been a Beachbody customer for some time, I mix up workouts and combine them all the time. I still like to do the P90X resistance work but the cardio workouts are not very challenging (what can I say- the goal is to improve.. I DID!) so FIRE30 is perfect for adding a nice 30 minute class to the resistance days and I can swap out Plyometrics with a HIIT workout and Kempo with FIRE45.

She has 2 "EZ" DVD's that are easier than the others, but as the guide says, don't let EZ fool you. You will be challenged but they are still easier than the others which give a full spectrum of workouts to incorporate into your personally designed workout schedules.

The format is different than most workout DVD's. Rather than the instructor being at the front with all the "students" behind, Chalene and another instructor and the modifier are on a stage and you are "at the front of the class". When I first saw this format, I wasn't sure that I was going to like it, but you really do feel like you are in a class with your friends rather than having a workout performed for you. At the end of the DVD, you meet the people in the video so you actually get to know who they are their story which really enhances the experience. Plus their energy provides extra motivation during the workout!

I highly recommend this workout to anyone who wants to work hard, loves music and wants the feeling of getting together with your friends to workout (and dance). Chalene's infectious personality and constant encouragement is hard to resist. She will push you. If you listen, you will succeed!

Many people want to know what the differences are between Insanity and Turbo Fire - and there are many, but I will cover them in a different post.

To learn more about this incredible workout check out the video.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Weekend Wipeout

So it's Saturday morning and I have been perfect with my diet ALL week. Can today be a "cheat" day?

Well, i have read that you can and in some cases should have a cheat day- one where you exceed your normal daily caloric needs to confuse your metabolism and it allows you to indulge some of your food fantasies. But is this REALLY a good idea??

I have personally allowed the cheat day become a cheat weekend and over a 2 day period gained back ALL the weight lost over the week and then even add a few pounds. Over the last several months it is the reason that I have gained 16 lbs. Clearly this is NOT a good plan for me. However I think that if I learn to allow myself ONE cheat item or ONE cheat MEAL then things can balance out. It comes down to the mind set once again... I can't allow myself to believe that simply because it's Saturday that I can have ice cream, the amazing (and cheesless) burritos at 10th Ave Burrito in Belmar, NJ  (and they are incredible), then have severl cocktails, THEN have dinner and THEN have a late slice of pizza. NO. NO. NO. NO!!!!

Self control. Moderation.

The weekend is not the time to derail all of your efforts. Even if you're dilligent about your workout schedule, your diet can wipeout the best efforts and let's face it, if you're doing a beachbody workout, you're working hard. So don't waste the effort. Allow yourself a small indulgence from time to time but don't completely lose control.
Enjoy the weekend!