On my better days

On my better days
Super Woman!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Blogging - Day 1

I spend a ridiculous amount of time thinking about my diet, working out and staying fit and healthy and I've learned that others do as well. So I figured that I would chronicle my attempts at reaching my fitness goals, share the lessons learned and all of my acquired information - not to mention the advantage of free therapy by blogging!

Initially I thought that it was silly for people to ramble on about their lives but it seems that people really enjoy reading about one another and I really do believe that after the 20 years that I have spent dieting and exercising that I have a lot to share with others - not to mention still having plenty to learn.

I am a beachbody freak and recently became a coach. I've done this because after 3 years of using their products and I am convinced that they are the finest fitness products one can buy. None of them promise flat abs with just 10 minutes a day of exercise and absolutely no change to your diet. AMEN. I have seen some REALLY flaky products (I won't detail them now though I am certain that I will rant about them in the future) but the bottom line is that the best, surest way is to eat right and exercise. I'm sorry. I know everyone wants to hear that you can do it with 10  minutes of exercise while you down Micky D's but you can't.

Anyway - this is day one and I want to introduce myself and explain why I am here. Hopefully I can provide a little bit of laughter to the fitness world while educating others on how to achieve their goals - while still enjoying life. I am going to tell you now that I am an 80/20 girl. I am not perfect. My diet is not perfect. It's pretty darned good but I am going to indulge myself during the holidays and special occasions because I do not believe that any good comes from perpetual self denial. In my opinion it is the road to diet disaster and we've all had enough of that in our lives. Besides- life is just to short to deny yourself of EVERYTHING.

With that- I take my leave for tonight and wish you all a happy evening. I'm off to work on my TODO list!